The 十大网赌正规平台 学术参议院 宪法 clearly identifies its purpose and mission: to promote the development and maintenance of high standards of teaching and education; to share in the determination of the goals of the college and in the fulfillment of these goals; to promote the welfare of the entire faculty and to represent the entire faculty in its academic and professional relations with the district; to facilitate communication among the entire faculty, 人员分类, 学生的身体, 大学管理, and the governing board of the district; to make recommendations to the 大学管理 and governing board concerning the academic and professional matters enumerated in the Title V of the Educational Code; to concern itself with any legislation relative to the welfare of the college; and to do all that is necessary and proper to achieve a realization of the purposes of this Association. 学院使命的核心是我们期望的结果:创建一个以学生为中心的学校, 以社区为基础的学习环境,使学生变得富有成效, 有文化的, 也是多元化社会中负责任的成员.
根据加州教育法规, 学术评议会是一个组织,其主要职能是就学术和专业事务提出建议. “学术及专业事宜”指下列政策制订事宜:
1. 课程,包括建立先决条件.
2. 学位和证书要求.
3. 分级的政策.
4. 教育项目开发.
5. 有关学生准备和成功的标准或政策.
6. 与教师角色相关的大学治理结构.
7. 教师在认证过程中的作用和参与.
8. 教师专业发展活动的政策.
9. 项目评审流程.
10. 机构规划和预算编制的程序.
11. 其他经双方同意的学术和专业事项.
因此, 巴特社区学院的学术参议院是支持学生成功的教师的声音. 所有教师都被邀请参加会议和论坛, 并有意义地参与到这个至关重要的组织中.